
Small Business
Order Form

To Subscribe, Fill Out The Form Below

Subscribe now and receive the updated BugNet Special Report on Windows NT, a handy compendium of NT bug fixes in HTML format from BugNet's columns in InfoWorld and Network Magazine, as well as the BugNet Database.
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Features: You get a year's worth (12 monthly issues) of:

BugNet Alerts

BugNet Database

BugNet Analysis

Get news of important new bugs and fixes now, not six months from now. Get the essential bug fixes for popular off-the-shelf PC and networking software. Find out which programs have the most bugs: Excel or 1-2-3, Word or WordPerfect, etc.

All of BugNet is available on our password-protected world web site, where you can search, read and print thousands of our industry-leading PC bug solutions.

All our Alerts, Analysis and Database Yearbooks can be downloaded in Intranet-Ready HTML format for immediate deployment on your Intranet.

Acceptable Use: for internal support use in a business with 12 employees or less; not for use by consultants or others who resell information or PC help. This option is not available to workgroups within larger corporations.

Cost: $150 per year (annual renewal $100), paid for by Visa, Mastercard or American Express

Subscriber Information

To order the BugNet Small Business Bundle, please fill out the following form. When you've finished, click the "Subscribe" button at the bottom. You will receive e-mail notification from us, usually within two working days...

Small Business Intranet-Ready Bundle -- one business with 12 employees or less, $150 per year ($100 annual renewal)

(Click this button to receive your discount)

First Name:      MI: 
Last Name:     
Title           Dept. 

Street/PO Box: 
City:            State:   
Country:         Zip Code: 

 Credit Card     
Expiration Date 
Name on Card (if different)

Note: BugNet is in its fourth year of taking credit card orders over the Internet, and we've never had a single problem with it. However, if you're worried about using your credit card over the Net, call us at (360) 988-2801 to give us the information directly, and we'll start your subscription immediately.


Telephone: Fax:

How did you learn about BugNet:


IMPORTANT -- Please make sure you have supplied us with your e-mail address, so we can give you the best possible service.

NOTE -- We will process your order ASAP (usually the next business day). As soon as your order has been processed, we will email you confirmation, along with your BugNet User Name, Password, etc.

to BugNet
the form and start over.
By clicking "Subscribe" you agree to be bound by the BugNet End User License Agreement below.


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